Thinks to do when you are done:
1. Read (Books, Blogs, Online news Websites, Gossip Columns, whatever tickles your fancy)
2. Play your games: Kingdom Hearts, The Sims 2, Guitar Hero the new one comes out 10/28
3. Read (Books, Blogs, Online news Websites, Gossip Columns, whatever tickles your fancy)
4. Apply for Jobs/Careers - Back up plan to the Law school of your choice
5. Save Money
6. Work out - a lot because you have not been in a while (No gym = No excuse)
7. Text and talk to me
8. Watch movies, TV, animal (Birds, squirrels, cats, dogs)
9. Go and visit your brother and mom
10. Get addicted to something else maybe bowling, another television show, or some other hobby
11. Occasionally partake in an alchoholic beverage of choice in moderation of course
12. Dance like there is no tomorrow (You know how you do)
13. Experiment with recipes and cooking (As soon as your fridge is back to normal of course)
14. Highschool sporting events
15. Swimming
16. Hanging out with Sarah in moderation you all do not want to get sick of one another
17. Road trip
18. Write (Blogs, Stories, Essays for Grad Schools)
19. Study for GRE or GMAT if Grad school is an option
20. Clean out your car( trunk included)
21. Prepare yourself for school and your leadership positions (Team lead, coach, etc)
22. Sleep
23. Rest
24. Relax
25. Live the rest of your life
Things to not do when you are done:
1. Get drunk enough to become the point of an akward conversation with guys
2. Go on spendng sprees
3. Sit around doing nothing
4. Anything illegal
This is what I was able to come up with so far
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